Kaya: Our 130 lbs Livestock Guardian Dog but don't let his size fool you. He is one of the sweetest dogs you will ever meet. He is an Anatolian Shepherd which is a breed that originated in the Mountains of Turkey hundreds of years ago. These dogs were bred to protect the livestock and have been known to fight of bears, wolves, coyotes, and bobcats. Having one of the most powerful jaws of any dog breed makes their jobs a little easier. Their instincts to protect are truly amazing and I have never seen anything like it in any other dog. They are so amazing that they are also currently being used in Africa to protect Cheetahs. Did I also mention they are pretty fast too.. Kaya is our big sweetheart and he lives 24/7 with our rotten boys. Beaux loves him a little too much but Kaya always tolerates him with little objection... His job is to make sure all of our goats are safe from any predators that may be in the area.
Belle: Our first Doe and she is tough as nails. She is our herd queen and takes no nonsense from the other does. Well that is except for her kids. She is an overindulgent mother but thanks to that she always has the sweetest babies. The most spoiled too... Belle is the namesake for our Belle's Beauty Bar but I assure you she is not concerned about her appearance. She is still tough as nails but has softened up some since her first kidding.
Hunter: Hunturd as he is affectionately known on the farm, was our first goat along with Ms. Belle. He is our only wethered male which means he is neutered, or fixed as the ladies would say... Hunter is as sweet as can be but also as mischievous as can be. We found that out the day we got him when he ate the assembly instructions he previous owner left outside while he ran in to grab something. Wonder why he wanted to get rid of him... Even with all the trouble he is a good goat and loves his people and his Ginny. He makes our lives interesting every day and also narrowly escapes strangulation every day.
Anna: Ms Anna was our first registered Nigerian Dwarf. She is also the only one of our goats that believes she is a dog and would probably prefer to be with our dogs. Always putting our LGD Kaya in his place even though he outweighs her by about 90 lbs. She is definitely a daddy's girl and I do spoil her a bit. Like during her first delivery when she laid with her head in my lap for about 6 hours.. She is also the inspiration for our Drunken Goat line of soaps with her graceful stumbling video in our front yard. Anna is a sweet girl that loves her kisses but is also very protective of her people.
Ginny: Gin the Wren as we like to call her is the inspiration behind our Ginny's Candy Shop fragrance. Certainly not because she is so sweet though.. She has always been a bit of a loner but not at all mean. Gin and her daughter Bonnie are also the most colorful of our girls. She is also not a fan of dogs. Be it head butting her cousin poodle mix or running as fast as she can to get away from out LGD she clearly does not like dogs. You can also see she is our best death sleeper by her heart stopping sleeping positions. Many a time we have walked out and thought this is it, she is really dead this time.... Fortunately it has always just turned out to be the most uncomfortable sleeping positions and I am really starting to believe she just does it for kicks at this point. We love our Gin!
Beauxcephus: Beauxcephus, aka Beaux, Dunder Head, and Stinky is our herd sire. He is a sweet boy but for those of you unfamiliar with goat bucks he spends the majority of the day peeing on his face and doing other unspeakable things with his mouth. Long story short he wreaks and wants to share it with you if you are close. Not to mention he is an assassin so you should never turn your back on him or lose site of where he is because it will cost you a pair of shoes. All those things make loving on poor Beaux practically impossible. Not to mention he gets uber excited if you touch him. Fortunately he has his playmates Kaya and Hunter to keep him entertained. Much to their dismay. It also speaks volumes to the patience of a LGD considering Kaya has not removed Beaux's equipment.. He has been a great buck despite being dumber than a red brick. This lead to concerns he may not be able to do his job but he was able to figure it out. The dumb part also means he is not really an escape artist like most bucks and he also struggles with finding unique ways breed does through a fence like most bucks. These traits are unbelievably desirable in a buck!! He is also a talker when in rut like most bucks but often sounds like a small child being murdered which has lead to interesting conversations with our neighbors. With all that said he has thrown nothing but does throughout his "career" which is awesome. We are hoping for that trend to continue with our three prego girls. So in a nut shell (pun intended) that is the story of Beaux.
Pepa: The first kid born at WooZey Acres. She was full of spunk and as playful as could be as a kid. Only problem was she was also spoiled! Belle, her mom, who was a better mother than we dreamed she would be allowed Pepa to nurse until she was a year and a half old. Needless to say she went from Sid the Sloth to Manny the mammoth. The first question everyone asks is if she is pregnant. Nope, just fat. She was named Pepa to honor her father Tobasco who tragically passed away before she was born. We had no idea that Pepa the pig would one day become her nickname or that it would be so fitting.
Mia: Amelia, or Mia as we call her, was born two years ago and was in a group of three that was rejected by their mother. She was always bold and full of adventure as a kid and refused to allow her mother to reject her. This is why we named her Amelia after Amelia Earhart. As you can see in the pic she kept close to Anna all the time while her sisters stuck together. She forced Anna to be a mother and they are now inseparable. Mia has become our most laid back and sweetest goat. She waits behind after everyone else is in the barn to get loved on and loves head kisses. With that said, she is tough as nails and will kick any does butt that gives her grief. Never the aggressor though. Finally, She also loves sticking her feet in the food buckets at feed time to aggravate me! So with all the good there is a little bad..
Bailey: Our St. Patrick's Day baby. So of course she needed to have a very fitting name! The daughter of Lil, if you couldn't tell, and one of our most rotten goats. She had a rough start because she was born so tiny and struggled to eat and stay sternal. The first night we stayed up with her to make sure she ate and stayed upright. We got her through that and then at around 3 weeks old she was head butted by another goat not long after being disbudded. This lead to bleeding we thought would never stop and we didn't think there was any way she would make it. This girl has a true fighters spirit though and after several emergency vet trips she is now one of our healthiest ( nice way to say she is a little overweight ) goats. Bay Bay was also spoiled by Lil and allowed to nurse until she was almost a year old. She is a bit of a diva...
Lil: Our first little Diva. One of our founding does and so full of personality. She insisted on being carried everywhere when she was a kid and loved us so much. That was until the day Ginny arrived. As we carried Ginny out to the barn to meet everyone Lil came running across the pasture screaming at the top of her lungs. It was the ultimate betrayal... We were carrying another goat. She shunned us for nearly a year until she had her first kidding. She allowed us back in after that because it was a rough kidding and we spoiled her during and afterwards. Sadly her second kidding was much rougher and we lost our little diva the day after. Words cannot describe how heartbroken we were but she did leave her legacy with us with Ms. Lexi. Lil will forever be missed but we were blessed to have had the time with her we did.
Mira: This is our little Miracle baby. She was born breach and was not breathing when we got her out. We spent what seemed like a lifetime trying to get her airway cleared and to get her breathing. Finally we got our first little scream from her and we were ecstatic. Unfortunately it was short lived because we soon realized she was a "dummy kid". Meaning she had no suckle reflex and all she could do was scream due to lack of oxygen. Constant ear piercing screaming that was just ripping our hearts out. After speaking to several vets and getting not so great prognosis we finally spoke to Dr. Roberts at Kentwood Veterinary Clinic. This was around 11 o'clock on a Friday night and he said get some colostrum (milk) from momma and bring her in. He was able to tube feed her a belly full and the screams started to lessen. All the way home she got more and more quiet. Once home she still could not stand or stay sternal but she was trying to nurse! We took shifts getting her fed and keeping her upright that first night. Still very worried she would not be quite right, we soon realized she would be just fine. She has grown like a weed and acts just like royalty since she is Belle's (herd queen) granddaughter.
Lexi: Lil's final kidding gave us triplets. We always referred to Lil as Lil the Pill so being clever (like we are..) we decided these would be Lil's Pills. Lexi (Lexapro), Molly (Ecstasy), and Opie (Opium). We wanted to keep all three but knew it was not possible. Obviously Lexi looks the most like Lil and she also has a little of her personality too. So we decided she would be the one to stay with us and keep her sister Bailey company since she was now all alone also. Lexi is a little princess like Lil and often sneaks through the gate after clean up in an effort to get extra treats. She is spoiled like her momma was and wears Lil's pink skull and crossbones collar with pride! Lexi forever has a brown nose like her momma from rummaging around in the dirt like a pig. Amazing to see so much of Lil in her even though she was only with her for a few hours. We miss Lil so much but we are so thankful she left this little girl behind for us.